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姓名: 张剑霖
性别: 男
国籍: 中国(新加坡永久居民)
民族: 汉族
电邮: zhangjianlin0828@gmail.com

2004.08-2009.11 新加坡国立大学(NUS): 经济学博士学位
2001.08-2002.09 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE): 会计与金融学硕士学位
1998.08-2001.09 伦敦大学:管理学学士学位 (一等荣誉学士学位)

主要研究兴趣: 试验经济学,行为经济学
第二研究兴趣: 组织经济学

1. “The Impact of Social Comparison of Ability on Pro-Social Behavior”(with Yohanes E.Riyanto),Journalof Socio-Economics,Volume47,December2013,Pages37–46.
2. “An Egalitarian System Breeds Generosity: The Impact of Redistribution Procedures on Pro-Social Behavior”(with YohanesE.Riyanto),Economic Inquiry,forthcoming,2014.

1. "The Power of Social Sanction in Enforcing Social Norm: Third Party Punishment Game with Multiple Observers,"(with Yohanes E.Riyanto)
2. “Putting a Price Tag on Others’Perception of Us:The Economics of the Looking-Glass Self”(with Yohanes E.Riyanto)
3. “Gender Differences in Social Preferences:Are Women More Sensitive to Experimental Context than Men?”(with Yohanes E.Riyanto)
4. “Hiding Behind the Crowd:The Dissipating Audience Effect”(with Yohanes E.Riyanto)

2011至今        新加坡管理学院,资深讲师 
2002至2010    新加坡管理学院,讲师
2002                伦敦政治经济学院(LSE):经济学教师(Tutor)

2007          新加坡国立大学(NUS)博士研究生奖学金(NUS Research Scholarship,全额奖学金)
2004          新加坡国立大学(NUS)博士研究生奖学金(NUS Research Scholarship, 全额奖学金)
2001          伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)海外研究生奖学金(LSE External Scholarship,全额奖学金)

2014          Asian Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Auckland)
2013          Asian Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Tokyo)
                  World Meetings of the Economic Science Association (Zurich)
                  Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Singapore)
2011          International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics(Barcelona)
                  Econometric Society Australasian Meeting(Adelaide)
2009          Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (Tokyo)
                  Economic Science Association European Meeting(Innsbruck)