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发布日期:2006-11-12   来源:英国威廉希尔公司    浏览次数:



农业保险对农民、国家的福利影响及实证研究 张跃华 史清华 顾海英

多重目标下的政策变迁与国有部门寻租的政治经济学 赵德余

社会契约的演进:以个体商业代扣代缴营业税的演变为例 李风华

如何共享代理人 邓伟 阎建军

投资外部性、教育与内生经济增长 田贤亮 刘思琦

不同市场间股票价格引领关系的实证研究 杨如彦 陈锐刚

我国上市公司管理层股权激励的决定因素研究 宋兆刚

货币供给、产出与价格关系的实证研究 罗煜

秩序扩展与停滞:社会结构与个体能动的交互作用 黄凯南

关于所有制宏观结构的微观基础及其关系 刘明宇


政治交易成本理论的新进展 王海龙

认真对待私力救济 魏 建 陈屹立


宗教经济学导论 劳伦斯•R. 伊纳库恩著

张清津 译


“中国经济学教学与研究的国际化与本土化”研讨会综述 李增刚



The Influence and Positive Study of Crop Insurance to Farmer and National Welfare

Zhang Yuehua Shi Qinghua Gu Haiying

Policy Change under Multi-objectives and The Political Economics of State-owned sector rent-seeking Zhao De-yu

The Evolution of Social Contract: A Story of Individual Business Paying Sales Tax Li Feng-hua

How to Share a Common Agent Deng Wei Yan Jian-jun

The Externality of Investment, Education and Endogenous Economic Growth

Tian Xian-liang Liu Si-qi

Research on the Price Lead-lag Relationship among Various Securities Markets

Yang Ru-yan Chen Rui-gang

Analysis of the determinants of the managerial equity incentives in Chinese stock-markets’ firms

Song Zhao-gang

The Empirical Research On The Relationship Among Money Supply, Output And Inflation: From Monetary Aggregates Targeting To Inflation Targeting Luo Yu

The extension and depression of order:interactions between social structure and individual initiative Huang Kai Nan

An Analysis about The microcosmic Base of Macrostructure of Ownership LIU Ming-yu

New Development of Theory on Transaction-cost Politics Wang Hai-long

Dealing With Private Relief Seriously Wei Jian Chen Yi-li

Introduction to the Economics of Religion Laurence R. Iannaccone