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发布日期:2017-09-26   来源:英国威廉希尔公司    浏览次数:
时间 2017年9月28日 晚上7点 地点 邵逸夫科学馆513

时间:2017928 晚上7


题目:Half Sky over China: Women's Political Participation and Sex Imbalances: 1950-1990.  


个人简介:姚洋,现为北京大学国家发展研究院院长、中国经济研究中心教授和主任,是金融40人论坛成员。获20082014年孙冶方经济科学奖、第一届和第二届浦山国际经济学奖(2008年、2010年)、第二届张培刚发展经济学奖(2008年);被评为2006年北京大学十佳教师。主要研究领域包括新政治经济学、开放条件下的中国经济增长以及农村发展。在国内外发表学术论文数十篇,著有《制度与效率-和诺斯对话》、《作为制度创新的经济改革》(中英文版)、《发展经济学》,并与他人合著《制度经济学三人谈》、《我们的时代》、Ownership Transformation in ChinaCSR and Competitiveness in China等著作,出版文集《自由、公正和制度变迁》、《土地、制度和农业发展》、《中国道路的世界意义》和《穿行于书斋和现实之间》,主编《转轨中国-转型时期的社会公正和平等》、Globalization and Economic Growth in China(与他人合编)和China’s Economic Reform and Growth(与他人合编)等;在《读书》、《南方周末》等杂志和报纸发表大量通俗性文章和评论,并在Foreign AffairsFinancial TimesChina Daily 等英文杂志和报纸上发表文章,是Project Syndicate成员。

AbstractWith data coming mainly from 1,200 county chronicles, this paper studies how women’s political participation affected the sex ratio in China in 195090. It is found that women’s political participation, measured by the ratio of female members in the Chinese Communist Party, increased the female-male population ratio in 195090. This result remains when female party membership in individual periods is instrumented by female party membership in 1950, which was invariant to cultural norms toward women. A more significant effect is found on children than on adults. This result is further confirmed by a study of the sex of second births, using the one-child policy as a natural experiment. Further exploration finds that the positive impact of women’s political participation was more likely to be a result of its influence on societal perceptions about women than on government policy.